All stories must start somewhere. This one starts here.
And then I am not sure where to start the explanation. Figures. Let's backtrack a bit shall we?
I decided that I wanted to go to the burn in 2008. I really wanted to go in 2009, but life conspired as it is wont to do and I had to postpone. Last year, I decided I was going to go in 2012. One way or the other, I was going to prove to myself I could go through a week on the playa and revel in being responsible only for myself. It would and will be a deeply life affecting experience for me. I am going to an alkali lake bed in August with 30,000+ people. This is outside of my typical comfort zone by about as much as it can be. Crowds, heat, arid, sunburns. But it's filled with amazing things and wonderful people and there are no bugs. I am going in a little over a year from now. I have many, many friends at different camps that already go and I am looking forward to seeing some people that have moved away. I am excited and terrified. And it's still a year a way.
Now, to stray a bit from that topic to this, which I promise circles about again and meets up.
The car that I have access to (as it is not my car, but my husband's) has proven itself to be expensive and not terribly reliable. Given my work (mobile hairstylist) and my need for exercise and my dislike for paying for gas, it has become time to let go of the car and ride a bike and use our, I am sad to say, pitiful public trans system. So I have ordered my bike and it should be here sometime next week. I'll have to wait until the 20th to go get my helmet and lock and such. It seems to me that starting this now, that it must be part of my preparations for my trip. I do something I am not 100% sure i can do, to prove to myself that I am capable, and the added benefit of getting in shape so I don't mind running around in not much at all.
So here I am, to journal and document this journey from here to there. From frequently desk bound, 30 lbs overweight, wanting to do more, to actually living the way I believe I should, becoming healthier, challenging myself.
For a year and a bit, from now until I leave for Burning man next August, I will share my trials and tribulations and accomplishments here.
I hope this story is entertaining and finishes well.
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