Saturday, August 27, 2011


  My hunny woke up about 6 ish this morning.  In my efforts to cajole him back to sleep, I woke myself up and then we were both awake and cranky about it. So as he took a shower I decided to bike off my cranky.  I tossed on my clothes and was out of the house by 645 and was back and cooling down and stretching by 7.  Just a quick jaunt around a couple of blocks.

Let me tell you alll about it!  I strapped on my helmet.  Oh, my hideous 80's tastic helmet.  It's brand new but it looks like something super awesome from '89.  It's reasonably comfortable and I had a coupon, so it'll do until I get a chance to get something sassier. I took my bike out into the cool, blue morning.  The air smells ever so slightly of fall, dry grass and clean, no taint of exhaust on my quiet street.  I had to adjust my seat up a tad so I could pedal comfortably, which means now I can just barely tippytoe when I stand up.  It's how my last Schwinn fit, too.  From the top of the driveway, I grinned as a swooped down to the road and leaned down over the handlebars and pedaled for all I was worth.  After I rounded the first corner, I leaned back and enjoyed the moment.  Breathing in, feeling the sun and the wind skim against my skin and brush my cheeks.  I needed to adjust my gear so I tried out my grip shifter. One click and magically it was just right.  The feel of the handgrips, squishy and leather.  The seat that supported my weight and didn't hurt.
Then I started breathing hard as I rounded the next corner.  You have to go up hill, no matter which direction you leave my house.  The smile was gone and concentration replaced it.  If I had had my bags, I would have just headed out for a picnic at the park or some such.

It was wonderful, though brief. I also got my strength training schedule posted in my room, and I have all of my work out tools in there as well.  Just need to print out the workouts for reference, since I can't watch videos there. I also discovered that the shoes I chose get caught on the chain protector thing juuuust a tad, so not wearing those again.

And I had additional motivation for this year!  I am now one of the Rock n' Rogue Pinup girls. Toned bodies look better in pictures with less effort.  I love when the universe brings everything together.  Now I just have to make it work by maintaining and consistency. 

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